
網(wǎng)站首頁(yè)產(chǎn)品展示burkert傳感器burkert溫度傳感器 > SE11burkert SE11葉輪式傳感器接頭寶帝SE11
burkert SE11葉輪式傳感器接頭寶帝SE11

burkert SE11葉輪式傳感器接頭寶帝SE11

產(chǎn)品型號(hào): SE11



簡(jiǎn)要描述:burkert SE11葉輪式傳感器接頭寶帝SE11 The paddle wheel flowmeter for continuous flow measurement is especially designed for use in neutral, slightly aggressive, solid free liquids.


burkert SE11葉輪式傳感器接頭寶帝SE11 The paddle wheel flowmeter for continuous flow measurement is especially designed for use in neutral, slightly aggressive, solid free liquids. burkert SE11葉輪式傳感器接頭寶帝SE11 The 8011 is made up of a fitting (S012) and an electronic module (SE11) connected together with screws.  The Bürkert designed fitting system ensures simple installation into all pipes from DN06 to DN65. It can also be installed in fluid block systems


  1. Economic integration in pipe systems without any additional piping
  2. Magnetic measuring principle (paddle wheel with hall sensor)
  3. Output: transistor output (frequency signal)


burkert SE11 Compatibility with fittings S012
Housing / Seal
burkert SE11 M12 fixed connector, cable gland
1 meter cable
burkert SE11 Wetted parts materials
burkert SE11 Paddle wheel / Holder
Axis and bearing / Seal

burkert SE11 Brass, stainless steel 1.4404/316L, PVC, PP
PVDF blue / PVDF
Ceramics (AL2O3) / FKM (EPDM option)
Electrical connection Fixed connector 5-pin M12 (or with 1 m cable via cable gland, on request)
burkert SE11 Connection cable 1.5 mm2 max. cross-section
Complete device data (fitting + electronic module)
Pipe diameter DN06 to DN50 (DN65 on request)
burkert SE11 Measuring range 0.3...10 m/s
Measuring element magnetic hall sensor
burkert SE11 Medium temperature with
PVC fitting / PP fitting
burkert SE11 Stainless steel, brass fitting

0...+60°C / 0...+80°C
-15...+100°C (if T°ambient ? 45°C) or
-15...+90°C (if 45°C ? T°ambient ? 60°C)
burkert SE11 Fluid pressure max. PN10 (with plastic fitting)
PN16 (with metal fitting)
burkert SE11 Viscosity / Pollution max. 300 cSt. /max. 1% (size of particles 0.5 mm max.)
Measurement deviation

burkert SE11 Standard K-factor
±1% of Reading1) (at the teach flow rate value)
±2.5% of Reading1)
burkert SE11 Linearity ±0.5% of FS.*
burkert SE11 Repeatability ±0.4% of Reading1)


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