
網站首頁產品展示burkertburkert流量傳感器 > 8011burkert 8011流量傳感器 供應 burkert
burkert 8011流量傳感器 供應 burkert

burkert 8011流量傳感器 供應 burkert

產品型號: 8011



簡要描述:burkert 8011流量傳感器 供應 burkert The 8011 produces a frequency signal, proportional to the flow rate, which can be processed by a Bürkert remote transmitter/controller.


burkert 8011流量傳感器 供應 burkert The 8011 produces a frequency signal, proportional to the flow rate, which can be processed by a Bürkert remote transmitter/controller. burkert 8011流量傳感器 供應 burkert The 8011 is available in two versions: - with one pulse output: transistor NPN - with two pulse outputs: transistor NPN and PNP.

Complete device data (fitting + electronic module) Pipe diameter DN06 to DN50 (DN65 on request) Measuring range 0.3...10 m/s Measuring element magnetic hall sensor Medium temperature with PVC fitting / PP fitting Stainless steel, brass fitting 0...+60°C / 0...+80°C -15...+100°C (if T°ambient ? 45°C) or -15...+90°C (if 45°C ? T°ambient ? 60°C) Fluid pressure max.  PN10 (with plastic fitting) PN16 (with metal fitting) Viscosity / Pollution max. 300 cSt. /max. 1% (size of particles 0.5 mm max.)  Measurement deviation Teach-In Standard K-factor ±1% of Reading1) (at the teach flow rate value) ±2.5% of Reading1) Linearity ±0.5% of FS.* Repeatability ±0.4% of Reading1) 


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